Android based testing tool for Single Site verification tests

Tapas Site is a smartphone based testing tool for Single Site verification tests, site shakedown and for functionally verification on carries additions. It is an Android based high performance android product for Site shakedown tests. With a graphical user interface that is precise and a straight forward overview.

Explore the features of Tapas Site
Tapas Site
  • Tapas Site supports all mobile radio technologies widely used.

  • Tapas Site graphical user interface is precise and provides straight forward overview of test results and network parameters in real time during entire test sequence.

  • All parameters and tests are logged and can be analyzed in detail, in tools like Actix, Windcatcher and QXDM which are used widely.

Tapas Site: compatible models
  • Samsung S5 Samsung S5
  • Motorola G5 plus Motorola G5 plus
  • Sony Xeperia Z5C Sony Xeperia Z5C
  • Sony Xperia Z3Plus Sony Xperia Z3Plus
  • Nexus 5 Nexus 5
  • Nexus 6 Nexus 6
Discover the features of Tapas Site Dashboard
  • Tapas Site Dashboard provide holistic view of site results in a descriptive manner.

Tapas Site Features

Provides cloud functionality to help network engineering and operation teams detect and avoid performance events.

  • Intelligent site scheduler. Manage teams. Monitor the status of the projects.
  • Customizable templates tailored to your needs.
  • Root cause analysis for all the site issues.
  • Engineering drill downs are provided on the cloud- dashboard for detailed analysis.
Try Tapas Site
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    Simplicity. Tapas Site is known for its easy to use single click execution. The friendly user interface eliminates the need of trained resources.

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    Project Management Console and Reporting Platform. Tapas Site caters all the requested KPIs available real time hence no more post processing is required.

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    Project Management. Tapas Site can be scheduled remotely with its intelligent site scheduler. The test scripts can be configured directly on the dashboard.

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    Technology Support. supports the todays most widely used mobile radio echnologies: GSM, EDGEWCDMA, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSDPA DC LTE-FDD & TD-LTE.

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    Service Tests. Tapas Site supports an extensive range of tests for benchmarking, single site shakedown, cluster drives as well as user perception testing.

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    Reselections. Tapas Site also supports Voice quality measurements using a call server. Integrated standard algorithms for intrusive voice quality evaluations (MOS).

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